bear103-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey

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78-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey
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At Panama Canal

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My Karate Odyssey NOW AVAILABLE read more ...

Osu! Shihan Narker

I really enjoyed your book and learnt a lot from it. I’m very impressed with your commitment and dedication and you must be extremely busy. I would love to have more interaction with you in future.

Cobe Jephta - TAMASA Kenpo Karate (Mitchells Plain, South Africa) 3 January 2009 6.11pm


Your book is a must read for any martial arts enthusiast. I don’t think any of our local Sensei’s have done what you have. Not to my knowledge anyway.

Kamal Hamdulay - Kenwyn Martial Arts Centre (Kenwyn, South Africa) 06 January 2009 09:56 AM


Love the quality of the book.

Bev Omar - Standard Bank (Johannesburg, South Africa) 06 January 2009 01:45 PM


OSU Hoosain Kaicho,

The package arrived today and it's great. I'm taking the book to work with me tonight and can't wait to read it. The book looks so professional! I can't thank you enough for the kind words you wrote; I'm truly humbled.

Mark Crescitelli - Ashihara Karate (Tennessee, USA) 06 January 2009 10:15 PM


Oss ... congratulations with the success of the book. My dad sends his thanks for the copy you forwarded

Deniro Pillay – Shotokan Karate International (Durban, South Africa) 07 January 2009 11:03pm


Thank you- received your book, very interesting, will give you my comments after reading. Good luck with the sales. (excellent quality presentation, you have taken great pride in producing it)

Solly SaidKenfuderyu Karate (Johannesburg, South Africa) 08 January 2009  10:19


"After reading your book, It really is a class act. I will recommend this book very highly thanks again"

Fred Buck – US Kyokushin Karate (Arizona, USA) 08 January 2009 05:39 PM


My uncle was very pleased with the book. He is from Japan and said that one of the senseis in a picture with you was his teacher when he was young. He was very happy with the book and said it is hard to find material on Ashihara Karate in English.

Katie Gray (Texas, USA) 09 January 2009 08:53 PM


Hi Hoosain!

Yes, I did get the book and DVD. Thanks for the gift of the DVD, that was very kind. I've skimmed much of the book and have had time to sit and enjoy through the first chapter. Very well written. I hope you're offering this on and other places as well. We'd be glad to offer it on our site, too, if you're interested in doing that.

Melinda Kidder – Chajonshim Martial Arts (Jefferson City / Columbia, MO)  10 January 2009   5:45pm


Dear Hoosain Kaicho,

I finished the book last night and it's fantastic. Your Odyssey is both informative and inspirational. So few people could have accomplished what you have done. Your dedication to Ashihara Karate is without equal. This should be a "must read" for any martial artist or enthusiast. I'm so honoured to have shared time with you and look forward to many years to come.

Mark Crescitelli – Ashihara Karate (Tennessee, USA)  11 January 2009 09:39 PM


"Got the book a few weeks ago just after you sent it and am embarrassed to say I haven't looked at it closely except to see the part relating to me. It looks very well put together and I'm going to give it a closer look when I get a minute. All in all it's a masterful job and something that should go down in the annals of martial arts history about how this is about friendship and not about kicking ass."

Desmond Tuck - Goju Ryu Seiwakai  (California, USA) 12 January 2009 08:11 PM


Good afternoon. I hope all is well in South Africa.

Although there was some delay in completing the book, I did finish the book. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I found it to be not only well written but also inspiring. It was unique to 'join you' on your journeys and to read not only your thoughts but the thoughts of those you visited along the way.

I also enjoyed the Ashihara DVD. Thank you!

It is my sincere hope that your book continues to do well. If you do any other writing in the future, please let me know. Continued good luck to you, your family, your dojo, and your organization.

George Rego - Jukido Academy (Florida, USA)  13 January 2009 11:05 PM


Just received it late last week.  Looks very nice but I haven't had the chance to read yet.  Once I get a chance to read, I'll let you know my thoughts.  Just been so busy here at work. Osu,

David Wong - Shintaii Kudo (Calif, USA)13 January 2009 11:46 PM



I love it. Very cool and written well! Thanks.

Scott J. Maczuga - Impact Community Outreach (Texas, USA) 14 January 2009 04:10 AM


OSU! Shihan Hoosain Narker

I read a few chapters of the book and it brought back some memories of your trip to North America. It is very well written and very easy to follow and read. I must congratulate you again for taking the time to write this book and share those nice memories and experiences with us.    

Angel Carrasco  - Kyokushin Karate (Manitoba, Canada) 19 January 2009 11:06 AM


You have done an amazing job Shihan and it seems you are completing a pilgrimage that reflects similar traits of only a handful of the world’s greatest martial arts educators.

Barry Johnston - Kenshusei College (Victoria, Australia) 19 January 2009 04:36 AM


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I did get the book. Good job! I have not been able to read it cover to cover, but have enjoyed reading parts of it. Mainly the parts with people I know; Rob McFarland, Chris DeWet, Steve Wilson. I look forward to reading it all soon.   thanks for the DVD too!

Bradley Ryan - TaijiQuan (Colorado, USA) 21 January 2009 04:35 PM 


I finally read through the book. The apartheid section was very interesting and a significant chapter of karate history.

Antonio Bustillo - MMA (Florida, USA) 22 January 2009 12:28 AM 


I’m still busy with your book and so far it's really exciting reading about your travels and the people you have met. It surely gave me some Goose bumps. You have met people that most of us can only dream of. Inshallah as soon as I am done reading it, I will mail you some more feed back


Nazeem KaziOkinawan Goju Ryu  (Pretoria, South Africa) 20 January 2009 10:13 AM


Congratulations- your book is a very interesting read!! On Sunday, I started reading it in the car when we were driving home. When we got home I sat in the car for approximately 45 minutes reading it. Mike commented that he did not know that I was interested in karate!

Lungisa Hooper - Safrica Tours (Cape Town, South Africa) 20 January 2009 10:55 PM


The book is very interesting and gives a good account of your travels. Sincerely in Budo,

Kyoshi Marquez Marquez - Goju Ryu (California, USA) 21 January 2009 01:06 AM


I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Odyssey. Besides telling about your karate encounters it has given me a good perspective of the different states.    

Colin IsaacsKarate Zen (Cape Town, South Africa) 23 January 2009  4.02pm


Assalaam Walaikum

Received the book yesterday. Thank you very much. Children were very impressed and I think I will only get a chance after they have finished reading. Thanx once again-  much appreciated.

Salaams to all

Ruksana Kaskar [Nadkar] (London, England) 23 January 2009 11:58 PM


My apologies! I thought I sent you a Big Thank You for the Book. It is outstanding, and you are to be congratulated for your extensive travels in search of your Martial Arts knowledge and disseminating your own expertise to others. Your book is know in my library where I will refer to it and enjoy reviewing my "first read". I know it will be successful world-wide. I will refer my associates to the book as a lesson in Martial Arts accomplishment and dedicated tenacity.

Congratulations and thank you for your reference to me in your book

Gary Alexander

Gary Alexander - 10th Dan Mil. Spec. Black Belt, H2HC Systems, & Combat Isshinryu Karate (New Jersey, USA) 26 January 2009 12:59 AM


Dear Shihan

I’ve received your book “My Karate Odyssey”. You did a very good work of research and of technical expressions. “Two are characteristics which make a great historian: to be able to write and to have a good subject to write about”.

We will review your book on Samurai as soon as possible.

Giacomo Spartaco Bertoletti - Samurai Publications Promotion (Italy) 26 January 2009 03:06 PM


I'm delighted about your most wonderful book of hope for those hopeless. A book of motivation to young and old karateka. I for all have come to a point to see into it that the best thing in life begins with M, as the book itself "My Karate Odyssey". I'm grateful indeed with you in sharing with the world your life in Karate and how to overcome obstacles.

For me here in Swaziland not my will but my heart will to learn your way. Osu!!"

Linda Dlamini - Ashihara Karate (Swaziland) 28 January 2009 05:39 PM


Thank you for the book. I'm enjoying the reading of it!

Chris de Wet - Goju Ryu Bujutsu (New Jersey, USA) 29 January 2009 11:59 PM


"I received your book today, thank you. It is a very interesting book. I especially like your history and introduction to the Martial Arts. Your journey across the Americas is remarkable. I am glad that you put it into a book to share with others.

Thanks again,"

Pat Worley - USA Karate (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 31 January 2009 02:45 AM


Dear Mas Odysseus Senpai,

I just finished part 1 and part 3 of your book, I shall continue with part 2 as I find time, my thoughts on it follow:

It was a most informative and entertaining read. I don't know which fact I envy more: that you got to meet and train with so many names from the CD (reminds me of my regular training days), or that you met many beautiful ladies (the Costa Rica/Panama pics were nice...!)! I also thought it was very gracious of you to put in the profiles of everyone you had met. If I were to travel to that part of the world, I shall certainly ask your advice on who to train with! It was great to assimilate what makes you tick, your outlook on what Karate has instilled in you, and various tips you scattered in between the stories on strengthening oneself spiritually (a word that suddenly sounds free of dogma and religious connotations split like that!). It was awesome also that you did very well in the tournaments - it reinforces my own view that even if one doesn't specifically train for sport kumite, basics, drills, and practising of concepts can bring one a long way on and off the street. Although I found the groin attacks quite stupid, once or twice is one thing, anymore and it seems quite deliberate. The chapter on the value of Karate in the 21st century too was very germane to today (I know - "duh, hence the title"), it put into words what most of us martial artists know intuitively but can't always explain to lay people.

Part 3 was fun to go through, interestingly our ippon kumite drills (which if ippon kumite merely means single counterattack then we have terminology wrong!), all involve side stepping or inside-stepping with a concurrently executed block or deflection followed by similar variants of throws/attacks/sweeps/locks; similarly fairly high stances are maintained for ippon kumite (at least by the defender if not both) for it is the most likely position in a fight. Perhaps the one difference is we do not formally use the term sabaki (most of our terms are quite basic or less than precise not being a Japan / Okinawan based org!), and that we do not specifically attempt to consider creating a blind-spot - it is more a by product of proper avoidance of incoming attacks, though I can certainly see the power in recognising an effect and creating moves specifically to achieve that effect. I do like the arrow diagram of the possible circular steps to take when handling an attack - again, something we do in drills, but do not have a formal notion of.

If you're ever in Jakarta, you must meet my instructor, you'd have a blast with him! Thanks too for the CD, I have yet to watch it - but I believe it has the same material as the video you sent me a while back?

Kamal Advani – BKC Karate Indonesia (Melbourne-Australia) 31 January 2009 04:33 PM


Sorry for contacting you only now. I had received your book and finished reading it in fact. A great, inspirational read... I'd like to write something about it soon on one of my web sites, will let you know. Thanks,

(PS. my son liked the DVD, he's practising TaekwonDo over here.)

Mike Jansen (Hong Kong) 04 February 2009 06:13 AM


I finished reading your book. I found it to be a very interesting mix of travelogue, martial arts, personal experience and philosophical/motivational thoughts. It was a very enjoyable read, especially seeing parts of the country in which I live described through "different" eyes. Another perspective can always lead to a greater appreciation of what we can too easily take for granted.

I have lent it to a colleague who used to practice Shotokan in Nebraska, he might know some of the people you mention in the book.

Like most of us, I am sure that given your daily schedule you have a great deal of free time on your hands :), however I would like to encourage you to do something more.  If you ever decide to, I think there is a place, and an audience, that would be interested in reading stories you have to tell about struggle, overcoming obstacles, your way of dealing with challenges, etc.

You did cover some of that in your book and it left me wanting to hear more.

So, congratulations on your book, thank you for contributing to me as a reader and I wish you and your family all the best.

Alan Pometta (California, USA) 08 February 2009 06:17 AM


I am nearly done reading it. What a great book! Thank you for sending the book to me. You are truly an inspiration in many ways, to many people.
Joanne MadridOkinawan Goju Ryu (Colorado, USA) 08 February 2009 07:21 PM


Finished reading your book. Looks like you had a great time in the US. It was refreshing to read a totally different kind of martial arts book than usual. This is the first time that I got an impression about people and their dojo’s instead of "just" explaining techniques & Kata - GREAT !

And again it is very funny that we know the same people ; -) It looks like we both know Vasilios Katsaitis. His wife Gina did some beautiful paintings for me and my wife in 2007.

Regards from Germany,

Jens Fricke -IMAF Europe (Emden, Germany) 11 February 2009 01:38 PM


"Thanks, great book, like the photo with the ABS :=)"

Jannie le Grange - Okinawan Goju Ryu (George, South Africa) 15 February 2009 09:03 PM


Also thanks again for your book I enjoyed reading it, particularly your own background growing up under apartheid. That type of society is very hard to comprehend from a modern Australians viewpoint where we have unlimited freedoms.

James Douglass - Kickboxing (Sydney, Australia)16 February 2009 01:26 PM


I will say that you had a very interesting start to your Karate career .. one that I would never of imagined even though I have been acquainted with the history of South Africa...  I still was very surprised with your beginning!

Flame MetterTaekwondo (Tennessee, USA) 17 February 2009 04:19 PM


I really enjoy your book, the Karate Odyssey. It takes a lot of guts and mental toughness to endure a trip like this and put your reputation on the line in different dojos.
Fortunately, from what I have read,. most of the dojos were hospitable towards you.
I have had my share of good and bad experiences in some dojos and gyms. I can relate to when sometimes a student or instructor tries to make an example of a visitor from another school. However, my overall experience in the arts has been a positive one.

Peter Mouttapa - US Oyama (California, USA) 17 February 2009 08:48 PM


I'm delighted the book is showing signs of doing well, and I hope our review contributed to that. Good luck with your new writing career!

Vivien Horler - The Cape Argus (Cape Town, South Africa) 19 February 2009 08:28 AM


Congratulations on the publication of your odyssey – it was a long time in the making! So you self-published? That’s a brave route … but sales seem to be going well, how rewarding for you!

Claudia Dos Santos - Struik New Holland Publishers (Cape Town, South Africa) 19 February 2009 03:33 PM


Narker Sensei,
I strongly enjoyed your book! It is a well written piece of literature that all aspiring martial artists should read. All who claim to be students of the arts should own a copy for their personal library. I sincerely hope to see you again so that we may share training ideas as well as methods concerning our arts. I only wish we would of had more time to talk to get to know each other better. You are an inspiration for me and I thank you.
I too will be travelling a bit as I have always done, to visit dojo's. I will be strapping my gi on the back of my motorcycle and going. My wife encourages me to do it as well. She is great!
Randy Haskins - Seigyodo Karate (Massachusetts, USA)  20 February 2009 03:27PM 


"Salaamz, I'm still reading through your book and it's very mind-opening. You have a lot of great pictures in your book as well. I'm happy for the success of your publication. Osu!"

Bobby Naimool - Oyama Karate (New York, USA) 22 February 2009 03:30 PM


"Hi Sempai and family,

Thanks so much for the wishes, funny thing though, I was reading your book yesterday, and I got to the part where you travelled to Central America on the 23rd Feb .... Really enjoying it, read about a page a day. "The book is really entertaining and educational... like the excerpts on the history of where you were at the time, you should become one of those hosts on a travelling show. Thanks again

Edgar Cupido - Ashihara Karate (Sydney, Australia) 25 February 2009 02:24 PM


Hello Sensei

I wanted to let you know that the book and DVD arrived today... I thumbed through it, it looks great, and I can't wait to sit down and read it. Arigato,

Alex Maldon - Goju Ryu Shudokan (Georgia, USA) 28 February 2009 05:29 PM


"Congratulations on your book. Saw u in our local newspaper. Cu soon"

Keshia Sawyer - Karate-Zen (Cape Town, South Africa) 28 February 2009 05:58 PM


I read an article about you in the TygerBurger when you handed over a copy of your book to the American Consulate.

Well done!!!!!

Fatima Allie - Itheko Events (Cape Town, South Africa) 01 March 2009 06:16 PM


"I just completed reading your book today and wanted to say it was an excellent read. Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours and I'm looking forward to your next karate odyssey ;)"

Sa'diyya Larney - Hayashi Ha Shito Ryu (Cape Town, South Africa) 03 March 2009 08:29


Congratulations! I am so please for your that your book is selling so well. Finally you are picking the fruits of you hard and heavy labour. I am also so happy to hear that Dr Mayberry has shown such interest, which will surely give your book even more credibility.  You are becoming quite the celebrity

Retha  Visser - Secretary, Japanese Consulate   (Cape Town, South Africa) 04 March 2009 08:13 AM


Just a quick note that the first parcel with your book. My Karate Odyssey and Blue Belt dvd arrived yesterday. I will write more when I go through the material in more detail but I am already very satisfied with it. Having visited South Africa and Cape Town last October for the first time I can now relate to some sections of your book and I will be able to appreciate it even more.

Piotr Kucza - Kyokushin (Jersey Islands) 08 March 2009 09:08 PM


Yes Thanks Sensei, have only had time to browse and wow what an experience you’ve had, congrats.

Baron Vella - Shotokan (Johannesburg, South Africa) 09 March 2009 05:39 PM


I love your book... I'm on the plane soon back home to the USA

Anja SmithUS Karate (Indiana, USA)  16 March 2009  07:06 PM


Hi Hoosain

I was shocked when I read  chapter 1 'training under apartheid'. We are all people. Colour doesn't matter. Love your book. Even the dvd is good.

Take care!

Joannes Mariën - Kyusho Jutsu (Belgium) 20 March 2009 05:13 PM


"Osu! You anticipated me; I have received the book and dvd just today! The book looks great, I just glanced through it and it seems very interesting, I will start reading it in the weekend, thanks for all, osu!"

Fabio Zarino - Seido Karate (Italy) 21 March 2009 01:34 AM


Dear Hoosain, of course I finished reading your book " My Karate odyssey " and I really enjoyed it And it is one of my favourite martial arts book in my library. Take care my friend.

Carlos S. Velez - Martial Arts Journalist (Florida-USA) 24 March 2009 09:49 PM



Munis Abunuwar - USA Karate (Florida, USA) 29 March 2009 07:58 PM


"Have just received your book in the mail. It looks absolutely wonderful and leafing through it brought tears to my eyes as I remembered this trip of yours. I can't wait to curl up with it and read it. It is beautifully done!!! Thank you, Hoosain. I'm going to treasure it for sure and look forward to.... the next volume!!"

Sara Ackerman Aoyama - Tai Chi (Mass, USA) 30 March 2009 10:41 PM


Osu! Congratulations on your good work. South Africa needs Karate intellectuals like you to preserve the art and history of karate. I am so proud to have to say, "I know that guy!'

Herman Dube - Kyokushin Kan (Durabn, South Africa) 30 March 2009 12:11 PM


Osu. Congratz on your successful book, I've read a few chapters and found them very interesting. hope to finish the book soon. kind rgds

Brando Pillay - SKI Karate (Durban, South Africa)  30 March 2009 05:29 PM



Brian Lakey - Karate WP (Kuilsrivier, South Africa) 30 March 2009 07:24 PM

Read more ...

16-7-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey

15-3-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey

41-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey

In New York

“Crashed Bus”

In San Francisco

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bear103-  Hoosain Narker's My Karate Odyssey

Sabaki Karate book


A new technique book on Ashihara Karate Sabaki to be launched late 2021 - see

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Meeting the US Consul General
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Il libro č Ashihara, l'istruttore Hoosain Narkers, 6 mesi di viaggio attraverso le Americhe con il karategi, zaino ed il pc portatile.